Behind the scenes: Yes, I Can!

Over the past months during the isolation, our cameras have mostly been still. Our creatives at Iconium used this as an opportunity to visually express ourselves. We brainstormed, planned and wrote a script that gave voice to our vision of helping people become all that they are capable of being. 

As a company fuelled by serving the vision of our clients, we rarely have the opportunity to create original Iconium Media pieces. We’ve taken some time to do that.  This past week, our writers, cameras and creators came together to film and produce Yes, I Can!” It's a film that calls each of us to become what we are capable of and created to be. It calls us to reach out and equip others to do the same. 

Local dancers visually express themselves and bring power and impact to our words.  The film showcases Aidan and Jennah, entrepreneurial dancers, who own and operate, Day of Dance. They visually express the story of struggle and success, as actor Stephanie Imumorin comes alongside them. The dancers performed with a beautiful background of street murals, where painters bring their innovation to our community. 

Yes, I Can is out now! Iconium Media celebrates the power of story through media.

I want to share some of our visuals with you along with a few script excerpts. 

I am human.

Capable of the extraordinary.  

Of creating what was once impossible,

moving societies with a brush stroke, a breath, an idea;

You and I must not settle for anything less. 

Because everyone of us has something unique to give.

Those of us who have a voice must not let others be silenced.

All humanity can be given the opportunity to flourish.

Freedom is ours. 

Yes. You can. Be free. Be extraordinary.

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